With the upcoming elections on Tuesday, November 6th it’s important to know your rights as a voter!
If you are voting at the polls please remember that:
· Michigan polls will be open on Election Day (November 6th) from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
· Voters will be asked to provide a valid photo ID: Michigan driver’s license or ID card if you do not have one of those, the following will be accepted (only if they are current):
o Driver's license or personal identification card issued by another state
o Federal or state government-issued photo identification
o U.S. passport
o Military identification card with photo
o Student identification with photo from a high school or an accredited institution of higher education, such as a college or university
o Tribal identification card with photo
**If you do not have an acceptable form of identification YOU CAN STILL VOTE but they will require that you sign a brief affidavit that says you do not have a photo ID on your person. Your ballot will be counted with all others.
If you are registered to vote you may qualify for an absentee ballot if:
· age 60 or older
· physically unable to attend the polls without the assistance of another
· expecting to be absent from the community in which you are registered for the entire time the polls will be open on Election Day
· in jail awaiting arraignment or trial
· unable to attend the polls due to religious reasons
· appointed to work as an election inspector in a precinct outside of your precinct of residence.
**Absentee ballots can be obtained in person through 4pm on Monday, November 5th or you may fill out an application and have one mailed to your home. If you qualify for an absentee ballot you must submit that application by 2pm on Saturday, November 2nd! For the application click here.
For more information on the elections visit: www.Michigan.gov/elections! For information regarding transportation services for seniors and homebound individuals to the polls call The Information Center at 734-282-7171.