Sunday, July 15, 2012

Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

Finding that next job can be a very big challenge.  Call 1(800) 285-WORKS for help with moving from unemployment to your next job.  The Michigan Talent and Jobs Bank is a valuable internet resource, and will soon become, .  

If you are looking for a job in Southeast Michigan you may want to receive the same steady steam of job openings announcements and leads that I receive from our  Business and Employment Specialist.  Just send an email to and ask to be included on the email distribution list for future job leads and announcements.  There is no charge for any of these services.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Be An Informed Voter for this November's Election

USA Today's web site provides an easy to use tool to compare the two 2012 Presidential Candidates: President Obama who is seeking re-election, and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney who is the apparent Republican challenger.

USA Today Candidates Match Game

Just click on this link and you will be taken to a web page where you can indicate what positions you support on 14 different issues: Jobs, Medicare, Health Care, Taxes, Defense, Afghanistan, Iran, China, Immigration, Gay Marriage, Abortion, Environment, Energy and Qualifications.  You can not only indicate how much you agree or disagree with the issue statement, you can also adjust the weights on the different issues to give more weight to the issues you care about most.

I don't know why the developers of this tool call it a "game," except perhaps they were making a game of challenging people to see if their views on key issues match up with the public policy positions of the candidate they are thinking of supporting in November.  I guess I take this stuff way too seriously.  But then, good government does start with your vote.