Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Resumes and Job Applications

As we have hired people recently I see a lot of wasted effort by job applicants. You can make your application stand out from the other job applicants. The secret is to research the organization you are seeking a position with and take the time to customize the resume and cover letter to show how your skill set, experience and attitude meet the needs of that job position at that organization. Make it easier for them to understand how you can help them succeed, and you have a better chance at getting the interview, and that job.


  1. I agree, if your job application stand out you will have a better chance of getting hired from employers.

    Ingles Grocery Store Application

  2. Yeah you are probably right! Having a particular background on the company you are applying to is also one of the best things to do. You can impress the hiring managers if you have lots of information about their company.

    Laurice ~~
