Friday, February 3, 2012

Why Should We Care About Other People? (Part 2)

Why should we care about other people? While pondering that question recently many thoughts came to mind and stirred my emotions and intellect. This is part two of those observations.

Why should we care about other people?

Reaching out to others is good for our souls, especially when we know we won't be getting anything in return from them. Some people are motivated by the thought of eternal salvation, others figure it’s the least they can do given the opportunities they have received in their lifetime.

The better we can make things for others, the better we make the world for ourselves as well. Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.

Cooperation can actually get more done than unbridled competition. There are legitimate selfish reasons for cooperation, even if you don't care about other people.

It’s not hard. Things like avoiding littering, respecting our natural resources, and not wasting food are easy. In the big picture of things we want to help our species survive.

There is no law that says you have to care about people who don't care about you. Many of us are opposed to doing anything just because someone demanded that we should. That said, there may be reasons why you may WANT to care about people. The foremost reason people may not care about others is because they are not yet able to care about themselves.

There is a period of every one's life when it is important, and healthy, to be selfish. You need to take care of yourself. It is also important to be self-centered when you haven't been focusing on taking care of yourself. However, you find yourself in a place where you are happy and have satisfaction with your progress in life a lot sooner when you begin to care about others and help them experience some happiness themselves.

When you encounter people who cannot care about you, it is often because they cannot care for themselves. You need to be strong enough and secure enough to offer assistance to them if they are willing to accept it.

Try it for awhile and see what it can do to your life! In the scheme of things, we're all family. It doesn't do any harm to care for everyone.

Why should you care about other people?
Because we are all around you!


  1. Thank you, as I was walking tonight I asked myself if I cared about other people and if I did, how did I show it? i couldn't answer the question...and got a bit upset. Your post clarified a few things. I appreciate it.

  2. Don't take the following as an insult or challenge to you're article It is not. Personally in all honesty I don't care about other people and I am content with my life currently. I don't value human life in fact I like to watch people fail,be destroyed and die. There is not a single reason for my thought process I have no reason to think in the manner that I do I just do and have so since I can recall. I wasn't beaten as a child I have had a good life and I do care about myself much so in fact. I think you wrote this article in a attempt to paint the world with symmetric lines and order. From my observations you like to think everyone cares about another and if they don't they can be explained as having a problem or defect. The world is not that simple sometimes there are people like me who have everything they could ever want and a loving family and yet we still like to watch others in discomfort and in pain. And sometimes we like to inflict pain for no reason other then it is fun or feels good to the senses. You should be careful about categorizing people and putting labels on them you will lull yourself into thinking everyone falls into the norm and can be identified .
